Welcome to my world. I am a middle-aged male locked in the good fight. I try to balance work with being a good father and husband and even have a little fun once in a while. Expect a free-form collection of musings, observations and the occassional rant.
getting my feet wet...again
Published on October 19, 2005 By whosyurdaddy0417 In Blogging
Just a little aside. I am not a new member, just a revived one. For some unknown reason I have not blogged since September of last year. I just stopped and I shouldn't have. I love to writeand I really enjoy sharing my life with anyone who cares to read me. I love feedback and I am not averse to constructive criticism or opposing viewpoints.

A liitle about me.

4 children 10 and under
Employed and free to admit that I work way too much
Widely considered to be a regular guy
Passionate with little abilty to hide or suppress emotions (consequently a very bad poker player)
I am into intelligence. I strive for it personally and crave it in my companions
Extremely opinionated but will listen to any, and this is important, intelligent debate to my viewpoints
I am a news junkie
I have absolutely no tolerance for uninformed, ignorant people
I am a devout atheist but I think its great if you are not
I get great enjoyment in very little things...like watching birds fly and squirrels eat
My mind is going full tilt all the time and consequently my mouth does also
Some people do not like me, and contrary to what I say I want everyone to like me
(but not at the risk of being a Clintonesque fake with no true identity)
I hate politicians but would die for the democratic process
I hate details but love results
I am never ever satisfied with my life...I am my biggest and worst critic
I think about sex 23 and 1/2 hours a day
I am a Cancer survivor. I mention that because it changed my life...for the better
I m obsessed with how much money I make but I spend like a drunken sailor at port
i love senior citizens but I need to force myself to call my Grandmother. She depresses me
But I know it isn't about me...nothing is.
I believe a persons' legacy is what they inspire in those that knew them
I take a handshake very seriously
I believe that a person's dignity is their sole possession they cannot live without
I love women. The whole woman. Personality and all
Humor is the best approach to almost any situation
I mention this frequently but I will say it again. I do not put fruit in my beer.
The older I get, the simpler I get.
But I am still confused all the time when I try to simplify things
Because life is not easy...and nothing is ever simple

That's a good start. I hope to blog frequently.

on Oct 19, 2005
sweet, thanx for the concise info. appreciate it.

Look forward to some controversy. eeeeeee awwwwwwww