Welcome to my world. I am a middle-aged male locked in the good fight. I try to balance work with being a good father and husband and even have a little fun once in a while. Expect a free-form collection of musings, observations and the occassional rant.
help me please, I've become my father!
Published on October 19, 2005 By whosyurdaddy0417 In Humor
No, I'm sorry but that wasn't me. I didn't just say that. It couldn't have been me. That is something my father would say. OK rewind, what just happened? Did I just say "kids today?"

What is wrong with me? I used to be such a young guy. Even when some of my friends started acting "mature" I remained young at heart (sure, call it immature and juvenile I prefer to call it young at heart). I played hard, I worked hard, I stayed fit and generally listened to the same music, frequented the same bars, kept an open mind and got absolutely stupid over the same type of girls( I suppose that part needed to change before I was given the playful nickname of "stalker").

I am a sales manager. I have a team of sales reps. One of them is a young stud of 23. If I could change lives with anyone besides whoever is currently screwing the bejesus out of Charlize Theron, it would be him. Good looking, smart, cocky, things always work out for him. He never gets in trouble when he says something stupid and he has meaningless promiscuous sex with attractive, vacuous college girls at least 3 days a week. So anyway we're driving along and as usual I am trying to talk about our last meeting and prepare for the next client and he keeps switching the subject to his latest sexual conquest. Amazed at the feats (alleged) that these girls perform for him with such little acqaintance time and apparent lack of shyness I listen to his tales. After he is done, and I have gotten my car back onto the road, I pressed him for the truth. Because there is no way that this could be true. Girls don't act this way. I certainly hope not because I have a 10 year old daughter that needs to join a convent right now if that is the case. And I am not Catholic. I almost revealed my fears to him but for fear of looking too "old" I let it go.

So we're driving along after our next meeting and I bring up a new subject, relationships. I stressed to him the merits of a committed relationship, monogamy, family, mutual respect and the relationship between oral sex and the willingness to do odd jobs around the house. He started laughing and said "Dude, I'm only 23. I'm not ready for all of that shit". I pressed him to understand that all of his misogynistic behavior will backfire on him someday. His reply was to tell me that I sound like his father. That was a warning shot across my bow but I was left unfettered. I defended myself by saying that there is more to women than their sexual organs and that he should respect them (because I genuinely do). He laughed at me. And before I could stop myself I said it. "Kids today". He laughed and laughed and said "I was wrong, you don't sound like my father. You are my father". Ouch.

Well I've had several hours to think about this and I can do one of two things. Continue on this path of destruction or catch it before it happens again. If I can avoid looking in the mirror I can convince myself that I am the same guy I always was. But the truth is I am not. I have been realizing this of late. I have noticed an alarming trend of "then and nows" in my behavior and I need to address them.

I have laid the groundwork for my next installment. Now this young man has to go to bed because I need my sleep. OOPS, I meant to say that while I could stay up all night drinking stale beer and manhandling the Dallas Cowgirls I should probably go to bed. That's better

on Oct 19, 2005
I get that all the time, it is true though we wake-up look in the mirror and do not recognize that old fart staring back at us.

welcome to J U btw.
on Oct 19, 2005
Hmmmm... Even if that way of thinking is "becoming your father" you should stay that way, and convert more guys into "your father," and more women as well (Not as in gender change). I hate meeting guys that refuse to treat women as more than their personal whores, and I despise women that allow men to treat them that way.

on Oct 19, 2005
I'm actually not new to JU, but I haven't posted in over a year. Good to be back!
on Oct 19, 2005
#2 by Silver_and_Jade_Tears
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hmmmm... Even if that way of thinking is "becoming your father" you should stay that way, and convert more guys into "your father," and more women as well (Not as in gender change). I hate meeting guys that refuse to treat women as more than their personal whores, and I despise women that allow men to treat them that way.

damn it's good to see you around some jade.

I got here after you stopped posting whos, so you are new to me.
on Oct 20, 2005
Welcome back who. You stopped as I started so you are new to me as well. MM- I am still here, on my phone. I stop in every little while, but sometimes I don't make comments or anything.
on Oct 20, 2005
Congratulations one becoming your Dad!  NOw you are an adult.
on Oct 20, 2005
5 by silverandjadetears.joeuser.com (Anonymous user)
Thursday, October 20, 2005

MM- I am still here, on my phone. I stop in every little while, but sometimes I don't make comments or anything.

more than a few of us here miss you, your writings and kind remarks.